Honey Oat Sourdough Bread

If you’re a fan of the rustic charm and wholesome flavor of sourdough bread, then you’re in for a treat with this Honey Oat Sourdough Bread recipe. Combining the natural tang of sourdough with the sweetness of honey and the hearty texture of oats, this bread is perfect for both savory and sweet pairings. Follow along as we guide you through the process of making this delightful loaf from scratch.

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What sets sourdough apart is its reliance on a natural fermentation process, where a live culture of wild yeast and lactobacilli transforms the dough. From the satisfying crackle of its crust to the nuanced aroma that fills the kitchen, each loaf tells a tale of patience, craftsmanship, and the artistry of traditional breadmaking.

Try making a starter from scratch, or get a jump start and order my dried starter! Simple instructions for rehydrating, ready to bake with in just a few days!

Sourdough Benefits

Why is sourdough bread good for you? Sourdough breads are fermented breads made with wild yeast. The fermentation process helps digestibility and nutrients absorption more than regular bread can.

Sourdough Lowers blood sugar levels: One of the benefits of sourdough bread is that it helps keep blood sugar levels more stable than your basic white bread. The bacteria in the sourdough starter alter the structure of the bread molecules, making the body absorb them slower and lowering the bread’s glycemic index. This means that insulin levels will not spike as high after eating sourdough bread.

Honey Oat Sourdough Bread

425g bread flour
50g whole wheat flour
350g water
100g active starter
10g salt
25g honey
25g oats

Mixing Dough:

In a large bowl, combine the water and active starter.
Add honey, oats, bread flour, whole wheat flour, and salt. Mix until a shaggy dough forms.
Let the dough rest for 30 minutes. (Don’t worry if it looks dry.)
Stretch and Fold:

Perform 4 sets of stretch and folds, one round every 30 minutes.
To stretch and fold, with slightly wet fingertips, grab a portion of the dough and stretch it upward. Fold the dough over toward the center of the bowl. Rotate the bowl 1/4 turn and repeat. Continue until you complete a full circle.
Bulk Fermentation:

After the final set of stretch and folds, let the dough ferment for 6-8 hours in a warm spot. It should rise about 75%, but not double in size.

Gently stretch the dough into a rectangle and fold it back onto itself like a book to create tension.
Form the dough into a round loaf, pinching the bottom together.
Wet the top of the loaf and roll it in oats.

Place the shaped loaf seam side up into a floured banneton or a towel-lined bowl dusted with flour.
Cover and refrigerate for 24-48 hours for cold fermentation.

Preheat your oven to 450°F with a Dutch oven inside.
Take the dough out of the fridge and flip it onto a piece of parchment paper.
Dust the top of the loaf with flour and score it deeply.
Place the loaf with parchment into the Dutch oven. Add a few ice cubes to create steam.
Cover with the lid and bake for 50 minutes.
Remove the lid and bake for another 5-10 minutes to brown the crust to your liking.
The bread is done when it reaches an internal temperature of 200°F or above.

Let the bread cool fully before slicing.
Enjoy your homemade honey oat sourdough bread!

Honey Oat Sourdough Bread

Honey Oat Sourdough Bread recipe. Combining the natural tang of sourdough with the sweetness of honey and the hearty texture of oats, this bread is perfect for both savory and sweet pairings.
Prep Time 1 hour
Servings 1 Loaf


  • 425 g bread flour
  • 50 g whole wheat flour
  • 350 g water
  • 100 g active starter
  • 10 g salt
  • 25 g honey
  • 25 g oats


  • Mixing Dough:
  • In a large bowl, combine the water and active starter.
  • Add honey, oats, bread flour, whole wheat flour, and salt. Mix until a shaggy dough forms.
  • Let the dough rest for 30 minutes. (Don’t worry if it looks dry.)
  • Stretch and Fold:
  • Perform 4 sets of stretch and folds, one round every 30 minutes.
  • To stretch and fold, with slightly wet fingertips, grab a portion of the dough and stretch it upward. Fold the dough over toward the center of the bowl. Rotate the bowl 1/4 turn and repeat. Continue until you complete a full circle.
  • Bulk Fermentation:
  • After the final set of stretch and folds, let the dough ferment for 6-8 hours in a warm spot. It should rise about 75%, but not double in size.
  • Shaping:
  • Gently stretch the dough into a rectangle and fold it back onto itself like a book to create tension.
  • Form the dough into a round loaf, pinching the bottom together.
  • Wet the top of the loaf and roll it in oats.
  • Proofing:
  • Place the shaped loaf seam side up into a floured banneton or a towel-lined bowl dusted with flour.
  • Cover and refrigerate for 24-48 hours for cold fermentation.
  • Baking:
  • Preheat your oven to 450°F with a Dutch oven inside.
  • Take the dough out of the fridge and flip it onto a piece of parchment paper.
  • Dust the top of the loaf with flour and score it deeply.
  • Place the loaf with parchment into the Dutch oven. Add a few ice cubes to create steam.
  • Cover with the lid and bake for 50 minutes.
  • Remove the lid and bake for another 5-10 minutes to brown the crust to your liking.
  • The bread is done when it reaches an internal temperature of 200°F or above.
  • Cooling:
  • Let the bread cool fully before slicing.
  • Enjoy your homemade honey oat sourdough bread!
Keyword Sourdough bread

Order Sourdough Starter